You can counteract the forces of exclusivity and inequality that threaten to limit the transformative power of dance.

Thanks to superstar donors like you, we're leading the charge to dismantle these barriers. In the heart of the Roaring Fork Valley, the joy and uplifting essence of dance should be accessible to everyone.

You are the heartbeat of Dance Initiative. Here's how your support is making a difference:

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Dance Initiative identified that access to dance and movement arts education is often inaccessible to youth in the Roaring Fork Valley. In response, with your donations, we have created an in-school dance and movement program that we bring to local school PE classes. With your contribution, you provide children with the opportunity to discover the physical, emotional, and creative benefits of dance, empowering them to thrive both on and off the dance floor.

School Partnership Program

With a deep-rooted commitment to collaboration and local outreach, Dance Initiative prioritizes accessibility through youth and adult education, offering world-class artist residencies, co-managing The Launchpad studios, and producing and supporting local dancers. Your generous support expands our programs, making it possible for you to open the doors of possibility to individuals.


Our donors believe that dance is essential for the physical, mental, and soulful well-being of communities. They envision a world where everyone, regardless of background, income, religious perspective, gender identification, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political leaning, or physical and mental capability, has the opportunity to dance. With your support, you break down barriers, foster inclusivity, and create a welcoming space where all can thrive and find their voice through movement.

Inclusivity & Equality

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